Friday, May 21, 2010

I don't wanna talk about it...

There have been many situations where I was asked, "what's wrong?" or "are you ok?" Yes. I'm fine. If I weren't fine, you'd know already. I am allowed to be upset, angry, sad, jealous, or just plain "blah" without discussing it with everyone. Rarely do I get asked about why I'm happy or why I look so excited. What is the difference here? If you want to care about how I'm feeling, care all the time, not just when I'm in a mood.

Recently, yes, I've gone through a couple mood swings: happy and excited one day, mopey the next. It's really nothing to worry about. I have plenty of what I feel are good reasons to feel the way I do and I don't always have a desire to share these with the world—and by world I mean the one or two people who have seen me and asked. I'm not being emo. I'm being normal.

And if I say it's nothing and that I don't want to talk about it, it'd be nice if that were respected. Thanks.

As my favorite roomy ever used to say: "I'm over it."