Thursday, September 2, 2010


"They ask me how I know its love. I tell them if I knew how to describe it, it wouldn't be love."
--@TeensInLove on Twitter

So all of my posts recently have been on the topic of love.  Obviously this is something that has been on my mind and which I wish to explore.

How do you know if you love someone?  The above quote I almost glanced over.  Instead, I went back and actually read it.  It not only made sense, but it made me feel substantially better about my own situation.  I could not answer the question "how do you know you love him?" because I can't answer it.  It is impossible to describe my emotions or my feelings with the current collection of words with which English has provided me.  Something like 750000 words just don't cut it.

I am hard-pressed to think of an occasion where it becomes impossible to describe something as what it is.  Love is so intense and powerful and pure that it's inherently indescribable.  How do you describe perfection?

Question for you as readers: can you describe love? can you describe what makes it love?  Please comment.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, ironically, I have had a post about my love theory saved in my drafts for a few weeks now, and I can't seem to finish it. You're right, love is difficult to put words to. But I think that's true of most emotions. So can I describe love? To do my best in a brief comment, love is when you care very deeply for someone or something, so much so that the thought of not having him or her in your life would cause immense sadness. What makes it love? It's the degree of the emotion that makes it love. There's no clear cut line between like and love, but when you get into that love territory, you know what you're feeling.
