Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Leave Me Alone!

As a teenager nearing the age of liberation from my 18-year imprisonment (I mean this in the fondest fashion), I often wish to scream out obscenities and "leave me alone!"s as my days progress. At the end of a particularly long day, the last thing I need is for someone to start talking to me about what I should be doing, what I need to do, what I forgot to do, etc. It's analogous to taunting a black bear.

Similarly, I am NOT a morning person. DO NOT MESS WITH ME BEFORE 10 O'CLOCK, as a general rule. I do not appreciate taunting, teasing, superfluous questioning, or anything remotely resembling such things. It's just not a good time for that.

Well, if you subtract all morning hours, and all afternoon hours, you're left with a relatively small window in which to ask for things or give orders. I recognize this, and so withhold my vociferation.

Unfortunately, holding back the onslaught of emotion and hormones causes them to build up like water behind a dam. And while my dam is very well reinforced, these feelings still cause great amounts of stress. The only tried-and-true relief for such an immense structural stressor is complete apathy to what is currently happening. By allowing myself to mentally release all care for my immediate situation, I empty the dam and rejuvenate my mind.

Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.
     Jane Wagner, (and Lily Tomlin)

It is rare (nigh impossible) to find someone who can be completely calm and stress-free all the time. Everyone has off days and everyone gets upset. The only thing to do is release and allow your body and mind to return to a neutral state, if not a jocund state. Take things as they come. Don't forget what's coming at you, but when thinking about things isn't pertinent, allow your mind to let it all go and simply stop caring for a little while.